Saturday, July 30, 2011

And Away We go!

Hello, my pretties!

It has been seven months since my last post! Loads has happened since then, and I've even tried to think of a reason to try and blog every evening :)

My sweetest girl Zinzile aka Scarface has unfortunately passed away due to a tragic accident in the vervet nursery- Heartbreaking but an experience to learn from! I have since mothered two orphans, a beautiful and petite little lady called Aapie (Means Monkey in Afrikaans) and now Mielies (Which means Corn on the Cob). We should all remember that monkeys are not pets, but actually wild animals and I do not "own" them, I am simply helping them for a better future!

I've come to realize that you cant always keep everyone happy, nor can you always be entirely happy! There simply isnt enough happiness in this world for every single sod, I mean, Person to be entirely happy all the time- That would be robbing another of their own little pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I'm just wondering when the RAINBOW will appear. I almost lost my heart to a recent uhem, lover but just-just caught myself luckily knocking some senses into myself! So tune in tonight for some more drama and how I almost had lost my life due to a broken sliding door :D